Educational videos, articles and tips to ensure you make the right decision when it comes to home loans, real estate and other powerful financial decisons.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get preapproved?

The first step to getting pre-approved is to get in contact with a licensed loan officer, call now: 702.851.4321.

How do I increase my credit score?

Typically the best place to start on credit is payment history and credit cards; make sure all payments are made on time and your credit card balances are 30% or less of your limit

Does unemployment count when qualifying for a home?

Unfortunately, unemployment does not count towards your qualifying income. However, we can use money earned through unemployment towards your down payment.

Can I have a co-signer on the loan that isn't my spouse?

Co-signers come in all shapes & sizes. You can use a friend or a family member as a co-signer(just make sure you will stay friends forever, 30 years is a long commitment).

Is a gift from a family member acceptable as down payment?

Gifts can be used towards your closing costs and down payment. Gift funds can only come from a family member.

Is there help with down payment?

Down payment assistance can potentially save you thousands of dollars by reducing the amount you need to save for a down payment. If you’d like to become a homeowner sooner rather than later, look for a lender that offers assistance with down payment programs.

What is the minimum credit score to buy?

When applying for a home loan, you’ll hear about your credit score a lot. What is a credit score, exactly? Credit scores range from 300 to 850 and provide one way of measuring how much risk you pose for repayment. The higher your score, the lower the risk and the more likely your lender will be able to approve a loan. The three major credit reporting agencies, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, analyze several factors to calculate your scores. For example, they’ll look at how long you’ve had credit, your payment history, how much of your available credit you’re using, the type of credit you have and whether or not there are any settlements or errors in your history. Your local loan officer can help you understand what your credit score means.